KSS Receives Surprise Police Search and Inspiring Talk

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On a recent day, the police officers paid a surprise visit to Kuisebmond Secondary School in an effort to combat ill-discipline, drug abuse, and carrying sharp objects among learners, particularly boys. The visit was part of a regional initiative by the Erongo Regional Commander, with the aim of promoting safety and well-being in schools.

During the search, police officers checked the learners’ belongings for any prohibited items and engaged with them about the importance of responsible behavior and the dangers of drug abuse. Ex-learners also joined in the discussion, sharing their own experiences and offering advice.

Following the search, learners gathered to hear from the police officers and ex-learners. They were reminded of the importance of self-respect, respect for elders, and resisting peer pressure. The talks were inspiring and insightful, providing learners with guidance on how to make positive choices and avoid negative influences.

We would like to thank the police officers for their initiative in organizing the search and talk. The school principal, Mr. Maswahu, expressed his gratitude, acknowledging that drug abuse and other social ills are serious issues that can contribute to school dropouts, teenage pregnancy, and other challenges faced by learners.

At Kuisebmond Secondary School, we believe in promoting a safe and supportive learning environment, where learners can thrive academically and personally. We appreciate the efforts of the police officers and ex-learners in helping us achieve this goal, and we remain committed to working together to address the challenges faced by our learners and the wider community.