Announcing our Achievement: KSS Makes Top 10 in the World’s Best Community School Prizes

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In a remarkable accomplishment, Kuisebmond Secondary School from the impoverished community of Kuisebmond in Walvis Bay, Namibia, has secured a spot among the top ten schools in the prestigious World’s Best School Prizes, specifically in the esteemed Community Collaboration category. Situated at the heart of Kuisebmond, where unemployment rates soar, our school has faced significant challenges, compounded by the aftermath of the infamous Fishrot scandal in 2019. The closure of the fishing company involved in the corruption case left many local fishermen jobless, exacerbating the struggles faced by our learners’ families.

Empowering the Community: The Birth of SWAN Seminars

The seeds of change were sown in 2015 when the local fishermen initiated an illegal strike to demand improved employment conditions. Tragically, the strike resulted in the unemployment of thousands of fishermen, many of whom were fathers to our students. Witnessing the dire consequences of widespread unemployment within our community, we resolved to take action. Collaborating with our Swedish friends, we established the SWAN Assembly Trust seminars, offering practical skills in nail care, sewing, and more.

Recognizing the importance of entrepreneurship in uplifting the community, we introduced courses to help individuals start their own small businesses. To date, thousands have graduated from these life-changing programs.

Equipping our Senior Students: Practical Skills for a Bright Future

With a deep commitment to equipping our learners for success, we have expanded our offerings to include a range of practical classes sponsored by Smart Consultancy Services and the Literacy Department.

Our senior students now have access to classes in baking, commercial gardening, crocheting, pedicure, and manicure, as well as woodwork. These valuable skills not only provide avenues for future employment and entrepreneurship but also instill a sense of confidence and self-sufficiency.

Rallying for Support: A Call to Action

We are deeply grateful for the recognition our school has received as one of the top ten contenders in the World’s Best School Prizes. This acknowledgment reflects the collective efforts of our dedicated staff, resilient students, and supportive community. While we await the final results, we want to express our heartfelt appreciation for all the encouragement and backing we have received thus far.

Achieving the prestigious title of overall winner in our category is within our reach, but we cannot do it alone. We need the unwavering support of our community and well-wishers from around the world. The prize, a generous $50,000 USD, holds immense potential to fulfill a long-standing dream—the completion of a multi-purpose hall that will serve as a dynamic center for sports, community seminars, school activities, and additional classrooms.

Considering the fact that there are classrooms attached, this facility will address the pressing need for dedicated spaces, especially for our five teachers who currently lack proper classrooms. Moreover, it will provide a sheltered and comfortable learning environment, shielding our students from the harsh coastal winds and cold weather that often pose challenges.

While the voting process is yet to commence, we promise to keep our supporters informed about our progress in the competition. Should we secure a place among the top three finalists, we will call upon our valued supporters to cast their votes and make a significant impact on our journey toward victory. Together, let us remain united in our shared vision of empowering education, and when the time comes, we will enthusiastically reach out for your support through

A Vision of Collaboration and Inclusivity

The World’s Best School Prizes acknowledge schools that actively collaborate with their communities, embracing an integrated approach to support each student’s holistic development with equity and inclusivity at the forefront. At Kuisebmond Secondary School, we strive to become a true learning institution that benefits all members of the community, transcending the traditional boundaries of education. By forging strong connections between the school and its stakeholders, we enhance the range of support and opportunities available to our students, families, and the wider community. This recognition reinforces our belief in proactive consultation, collaboration, and shared leadership, as we work collectively toward empowering every child’s education.

The Next Steps

Having achieved a position in the top ten, we eagerly anticipate the next phase of the World’s Best School Prizes. The announcement of the top three finalists in each category is on the horizon. Following that, the top three schools in each category will enter a Public Advisory Vote, allowing members of the public to have their say in determining the ultimate winners. We encourage everyone to visit and cast their vote for Kuisebmond Secondary School.

Together, let us continue to pave the way for an inclusive, empowered, and thriving community, where education becomes the catalyst for positive change.